
how to identify your dream career
what make you feel happy 

 The things that make you happy will most probably result in making you more energetic when you choose them as a career option. You need to be able to enjoy the work, your passion for your job will not strive to make you work harder but also get better results.


When choosing a career path that makes you happy make sure that you’re good at it too. It would be pointless to settle for a career that you will not be able to cope up with. you should identify your aptitude.

Career Psychometric  Assessment Tests

+e things that you are good at is not something one can do so easily and on their own. There are many aptitude tests one can take to find out one’s capabilities and aptitude to be able to excel in things of their potential. 

Internships-ways to understand the particular field 

You can always apply for an internship in a company or a field that you think you will enjoy working for. 

Ask for advice

It is not easy sometimes to be able to figure out what is in our best interest on your always. It is better to listen to someone who has more experience or can guide us in the right direction. A Counselor, A mentor, a guide, a teacher, your senior, your parents or anyone who has experience and knowledge can guide you towards the right thing.  Remember while asking for advice and listening to it is important, it is also important to make decisions on your own.

Put together a plan

Once you know what you need to be working with and on, make sure that you have a career plan to back it up. A career when unplanned will lead you nowhere. Make sure that you are sure of what you wish to achieve and in what time period. Set up goals which will be easy to achieve and not unrealistic ones.

Having a plan and asking for advice is important along with having the passion to work in it, there will be no substitute for hard work and intelligent work. Make sure that once you make the final decision you stick to it and try to be successful in achieving what will be best for you.